We loved exploring Canada together. I have great memories of our time in Vancouver Island.
Happy times shared will never be forgotten. X
Adored by his students.
Roy in the office!
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Thank you for so many fabulous memories. Go well my friend x
From 40 years there are so many memories. I have up loaded many more on Roy's facebook page in the last few weeks. Sorry for the quality but they are scanned from old photos.Party in the Scores 150586
Decided to add one set of pictures per decade. We went away to Durness (top left corner of Scotland) every year from 93-99. Great memories.10 110894
My first trip to HK (of 5 - Roy was a great host) and first trip to Angkor. HK 2000; Angkor 2003
One of my favourites from HK and the much missed Dublin Jack. HK 2005 Racing and Dublin Jack
A final picture to say thank you for being my Best Man in 2019. The end of a long day.
A very special brother.
This photo evokes memories of happy family holidays on the North Antrim coast and Scotland.